Year 11 Leavers Page
Year 11 Leavers

Little did I know that a group of cute little Year 7’s would cause me to laugh, cry, tear my hair out and almost leave me traumatised on occasion.
From the confiscation on Sports Day in Year 8 of a very questionably shaped stress ball that I faithfully kept in my desk drawer until your final day. Luke, how many times did you ask me for that over the years? I hope you are glad to have it back and it was worth the wait
Joey, I still have several cans of Lynx that I’ve had to remove from you over the years, enough to provide for a whole PE class
Dan, you still haven’t put that Kazoo band together for me have you, I was really looking forward to that
Jak, I’ve still got your primary school tie that you tried to colour in so that it looked like a Plymstock School tie and you wouldn’t get a Red Card
Frank, I still have the broken Care Bear badge you gave me, you are welcome to borrow it any time you like, I’m sure that it will match nicely with the chunky gold jewellery and knock off watch
Vlad, where do I start? The blue plastic gun, copious amounts of chewing gum and my personal favourite, the lion mask. I shall never forget chasing you around the roundabout with you wearing that particular creation
The Cringe Crew, thanks for all the Pandora confiscations, I think if I’d been able to sell it all I might be able to retire a few years earlier
Lily, constantly trying to catch you wearing your skirt instead of trousers and you desperately trying to get changed in the back of an English classroom
Cam and Cam – the original dog rescuers. If ever there was a canine in peril in the Plymstock area you would be the ones there to help (strange it always happened in the morning and made you late for school).
Cerys, never knowing what shade of mahogany you might be from one day to the next and you taking things with such good humour
Wiktor so many sharp things……
Girls – the eyebrows, the eyelashes and the fake tan, I really have no words except to say that orange palms are usually a dead giveaway
Boys – that odd ankle grazer trouser and white sock combo – there are no words!
Year 11, I could spend all day writing down my memories of you, just sitting here writing this has made me smile. I will miss seeing you, I will miss the sound of “Robbo” being shouted across the school at me. Thank you for the past five years, it’s been a rollercoaster ride at times but I wouldn’t change it. Now it’s time to spread your wings and fly and I feel privileged to have been part of your journey. Until we all meet again at Prom, stay safe and go out there and show the world how wonderful you are
With much love
Miss Robb
Student Comments
I just wanted to say thank you for the nice memories
Thank you to all the amazing teachers and teaching assistants at plymstock school who have been so supportive and were always there to help me whenever I needed it
Staff Comments
Business and Enterprise and Marketing
‘A big hello to the year 11 Business class, I really enjoyed working with you, you were a great bunch. There was always a good balance of laughs and hard work. I wish you all the best for the future. Kind regards Mr Hughes.’
‘The enterprise and marketing classes will always have fond memories for me. The team work and support you offered each other was remarkable. The hard work that went into your coursework was immense. Good luck Mr Hughes’
Dear Year 11 Keats – You are a class to remember, that’s for sure! Three years together and most of you matured into lovely young adults. Some of you have yet to do that. 🙂
I have enjoyed the sarcasm and the laughter. The motivation and dedication of some of you have made me proud. Adam and Lucy – I will await your wedding invite with Libby as the Maid of Honour. 🙂
Stay in touch.
Good luck,
Thank you to 11Ariel for all of their hard work in English. I wish you all the best in everything that you do.
Best wishes
Dear 11Trevor,
I’d like to thank you all for the last three years as it’s no lie when I say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your company in the form of discussions, questions, comments, distractions, positivity and smiling faces. It was a shame that we didn’t get a chance to properly celebrate your efforts as a class since you have all worked incredibly hard, making my job easy…AND you put up with me for longer than most students have to! It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you all, and you deserve some excellent results this summer – I have my fingers crossed already. Best wishes for whatever comes next, and I hope to see you in the future.
Take care, Miss Cohen 🙂
A message for Year 11Woolf:
I will miss you! You were a lovely class. I enjoyed our time together and was so sad that it was cut short when you were doing so brilliantly and were working so hard to get ready to face your exams. I will miss our discussions, our chats after school, our Friday afternoons with Evie (thanks Harry for smuggling her in!), our theatre trips and our ups…and downs. You were simply a delight to teach. Thank you and make sure you call in to see me! I wish you all the very best for your futures.
To 11B1 German – Danke für die Erinnerungen! Thank you for your German enthusiasm, your off-the-wall comments and passion for new words (especially Keegan and David) and the laughs. Who will forget “wir müssen die Treppe sauber halten” thanks to Denis and Keiran? And the trip memories (Sarah and Betsy) last forever. From striving to be above target (Abbie, Kim, Wiki, Charlotte) to total shock on a full marks writing test (Pip), to turning up week after week at intervention or speaking practice (Evie, Billy, Adam); from being desperate to beat your twin (Ollie) to putting up with my nagging (Luke!), I have loved teaching you. I will forgive you for eating me and Morrisons out of biscuits and snacks and look forward to seeing you again when things are a bit more normal.
Frau Baker
Computer Science
I can hardly believe we have been out of school for the best part of 3 months.
I can only imagine how hard this has been for you all, missing out on your chance to shine in the exams, last day, prom etc.
Thank you to you all, every one of you, for being such a fantastic group of students these past two years. I have had a great time teaching you all and the spirit with which you tackled your learning was fantastic, the humour with which you approached challenges made my job much easier and far more enjoyable.
Whatever you are moving on to do next year, GOOD LUCK!
I really hope something can happen at a later date that will allow us to say good bye in person but until then…
I will finish with a statement my Head of Sixth Form made on my last day of school. “Remember, if you don’t try to achieve something, you never will. Do your very best and aim high. But, most importantly work hard…Play Harder!”
All the very best,
The last 3 years of teaching you lot was entertaining to say the least, it’s fair to say you kept me on my toes. There were many interesting highlights most of which involved Leon, Harvey, Will or Vlad (depending on if his was awake!) but it was great to see how much you all progressed not just in Science but also as individuals. Although you aren’t all in the picture ALL OF YOU will be missed!! Good luck in whatever you do next
Dear Y11 GCSE CW Art Class
Just a quick note to say goodbye and thank you for being such a pleasure to teach. I feel so incredibly proud of you and all that you have achieved in the last two years. I am gutted that we can’t put it up in a show for everybody to see your talent. You have been the most incredible group of students and you deserve to do so well.
I will be moving on to Hele’s School next year to be Head of Art over there. I shall pop back and see those of you in the A level class at Plymstock and if you ever find yourself over at Hele’s pop into the art department to say hello.
Thank you again, all of you. Kacper and Megan, you win the prize for the most improved students. Harry for the hardest working and Courtney too (eventually!). Arina and James D. thank you for entertaining me and making me smile. Phoebe, the best cakes and the award for perseverance . All four of the Sophie’s for being the best set of Sophies EVER. Sandra and James, believe in yourselves – you all have such amazing talent. Karla, Hallie and Ellie, thank you for your constant smiles and chat (!), Summer the other end with wonderful work. Well done all of you. I shall miss you and the cakes!
Lots of love and luck to you all,
Ms Wakeham
Wishing you all the very best of luck for the future. A big shout out to anyone who was in my class and had to deal with whatever it was that came out of Frank’s mouth most lessons! He must be a millionaire businessman with 12 kids by now (can’t remember if he was after more than 12!!).
You lot were great fun and I’m sad we weren’t able to say goodbye properly. Hopefully we’ll get that chance once we’re out of this bizarre situation. Look after yourselves and remember, if you ever need any advice about the streets, come and see me in Hu14!
Year 11 Gallery
Who knew that those early days could lead to such a journey for you all? We have had our ups and downs along the way but, from day one, I have been incredibly fortunate to have you as my tutor group (minus the odd grunt from one or two of you)!
When you first arrived, you could have all been described as thoughtful, caring and compliant, but this soon changed for some! You soon clicked on not to arrive to tutor too early, as a I would allocate a task or something for you to do! Then there was Dacjan, who at times took the lead and taking centre stage across the tutor group, making short shrift of those who were late! The white sock saga became a morning ritual, to the point that I had to double check the school uniform policy, making sure that ankle grazers trousers and white socks hadn’t become compulsory (you ALL know who I’m referring to!). I must admit though, I was somewhat relieved when Frankie gave up warbling across the tutor group in the morning, although I am disappointed the long awaited ‘rap off’ between Frankie and Mr Wright never quite materialised. I know who I would have my bet on!
In all honestly though, I owe you a MASSIVE thank you as you have cheered me up, been thoughtful (Jak, Tom and Holly to name a few) and have looked out for me at times as well. I must thank those who pretended they forgot my name when I accidently let them go before, I was meant to when the snow set in, promptly returning to tutor. I also must thank the girls (Scarlet and Immy) for defending the tutor base to make sure it stayed in once piece, as you progressed through the years and to you for putting up with the hysteria of some of the boys in the morning!
As the only tutor group, I have taken through from 7-11, I am disappointed that you didn’t get the send-off I had hoped for you and that we had to say goodbye the way we did. If we ever get the opportunity, it would be great to see you all again and make sure that we have a fitting farewell. I wish each and every one of your every success and happiness for the future. You’ve been great; so please make sure you all take care, follow your heart (remember you can achieve more than you think you can) and stay safe… Miss B x -
11JSB memories:
- Noisy boys and quiet girls
- Total male female segregation in the classroom if given the choice!
- Incredibly proud of extracurricular activities of Ben, Ellie, Zara, Charlotte, Lauren and the sporties too!
- Really in depth debates on issues that captured them
- Constant whinging from about half the group about literally ANYTHING, and eye rolling at the whinging from everyone else (including me)
- Special skills in lining up silently in firedrills 🙂 Nailed it from day 1!!
- Watching (almost) everyone mature into truly brilliant young people who could chat comfortably and fluently about almost any topic
- Not knowing what to say when Leon held a bottle of water in his hand and said “what? I’m not even holding a bottle”
- listening to Pacey talk himself in circles
- Cameron constant pockets full of sweets
- Jacob arguing with anyone – even himself if necessary – and an increasingly competitive steak!
- Erin sighing, but then taking on the responsibilities that no-one else would volunteer for
- Harry having his tie nicked off him by his ’employers’ on work experience
11RLR you have been great. You came in to the tutor group from year 7 with your blazers with lots of growing room (and for Alex that never changed) and a ton of personality. You ended year 11, taller, wiser but still full of personality. I couldn’t let 11RLR leave without reflecting on the last 5 years and sharing some of these treasured memories.
Fox cove gave me an insight into what you would all be like. Sophie looked like butter wouldn’t melt but was the first one to enthusiastically volunteer to be the one to gut the fish. I worked out very quickly that I would get on with her and her feisty attitude. Joe quickly followed and wanted to show off his fish gutting skills. I will never forget Elizabeth volunteering to collect fire wood and came back not with just one stick as I expected but with a collection that could only be described as a small forest. She would take no help from anyone and from that moment I knew that she would be a super star. I am also wondering who is going to take her place as being our sports day secret weapon with her ability to throw the shot put a really long way. Alyssa made an impression on me from the start with her have a go attitude and has never failed to impress me with how she just gets on with things and gives it a go.
It seems like Ben’s love of a dress started from our first activities week together at Crownhill Fort. Alex and Nathan, you looked beautiful too. Lottie showed me on that day that she was destined for a career in the armed forces, shunning the dresses in favour for the military uniform and that she will beat all the boys going. She continued to show me her determined attitude to this day and I look forward to the day she tells me that she did it. She has the marines as one of her aspirations and I have no doubt she can achieve anything she puts her mind too. I learned a lot about you all from that first year that really never changed. Zac still can’t have a sensible expression on his face! Ralph had his career path set out for him from the start.
Our first sponsored walk at Saltram gave me an insight into the next 5 years with Owen when he tied his shoe laces together as part of a game and then couldn’t untie them. Close to tears and scared that he would get in trouble with his mum as they were new trainers a swiss army knife saved the day. I really wanted him to have to walk the 5 miles home with them tied together! Since then I have enjoyed Owen’s cheeky personality but also ensured that the ‘cheeky boys’ have never been too far away from me.
Plenty of sports days have come and gone. Skye was also the reliable one to take part in running races and the rest of the girls I had to beg on a yearly basis to take part, Sophie and Josie’s only ever acceptable compromise was pairs table tennis and even then, they always forgot to complete all their games. The boys however were totally different story and led us to victory in a number of races. Their last sports day was the best where they even beat the teachers.
I would like to thank you all for how you have been over the last 5 years. Harry, you were exceptional over the last 5 years and your positive attitude and mature attitude made you a really valued member of the group. Alyssa, Ellie, Elizabeth, I will miss our chats and you really used to make the morning a pleasurable experience. Erin, thank you for being so lovely over the last 5 years. Abbie, I will miss our chats and you were always so willing to help out so thank you. Skye, thank you for providing me with the opportunity to ask you to sort your skirt out every morning, but you were also a really hard-working member of the tutor group. Thank you to Lottie for throwing yourself into school life and volunteering to help out as much as you could. Josie and Sophie, thanks for making me play spot the uniform infringement ever morning. It’s a shame that the prom couldn’t happen when it was planned as I didn’t get the chance to see your in your dresses we discussed and the chance to admire your nails without telling you to get rid of them. Luke, Mason, Ben, Alex, Zac, Owen thank you for being my crazy table of boys who made me laugh most mornings. Jamie, may your forever be late (why change a habit of a lifetime) and thanks for being our star shot put player for Sports days. Ralph, Hugh, Alix, Nathan & Joe thank you for all never being any trouble and making my life easier. To those who joined us after year 7 – Aston, Leah and Will, you all added something in your own unique way.
I wish you all a really successful future and I hope I will continue to hear updates on your progress. Thank you 11RLR – now you are finally rid of me! -
I have taught at Plymstock School for over 20 years and can genuinely say that I have absolutely loved ALL of my tutor groups in equal measure:) I also feel lucky to live in the same area as I teach as I get to see many students outside of school and to see them in a different setting can be absolutely magical. I still see some of my old Tutees and the eldest are now 31 years old and have children of their own! Goodness, I feel old especially as I went into Teaching so late in my career:)
I took over this tutor group at the start of their year 9. Consequently, I have been with them for 3 years which has been absolutely wonderful:)
I have been able to see them progress from their KS3 Years up to what will now be their KS5 Years and what an amazing progression it has been. They have turned from children to amazing young Ladies and Gentlemen.
Every single one of my Tutees are so polite and kind. They have always looked out for each other. This has been ingrained into them from our wonderful HOY and Assistent HOY, Mrs Robb & Mrs Harvey and I would like to think also my good self 🙂
As far as ‘funny stories’ are concerned; I have many but do not want to mention any names…..such as, I would always get into school at least before 8AM so that i could do work and be better prepared for the day but was never able to do this as one student was always in at the same time and could absolutely ‘chat’ for England:) I sincerely do miss our ‘chats’ though:)
I saw a beautiful dress for sale on Market Place and contacted Mum and explained I was their daughters tutee and that she could bring it into school and I would give her the money in the morning…..all was agreed…..what I did miss though was the second message saying please do not do this in tutor time as she would be really embarrassed…..I am so sorry for missing this message:) She was mortified… sorry about that, I felt terrible:(
Another student who is always such an absolute gentleman and a total credit to his Mum & Dad was moving house. They are such a wonderful family, I was compelled to buy a little present for their move. It has taught me that it is the little things in life that makes life so great:)
So Ladies & Gents, please remember that it is actually the little ‘things’ we do in our lives that makes our lives and those around us so great:) So carry on with what you do so well in making your lives and those you love be the absolute best…….I want you all to have the time of your lives!
And remember! No one ever climbed the ladder of success with both hands in their pockets. So take your hands out of your pockets, always hold eye contact, bombard work placements with requests to work in the job of your dreams. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in daily routine so do the best you possible can to strive in our world climate:)
My very best thoughts and most kindest wishes I pass to you all…..Go forth & live your life to the full with the biggest smile you can manage!
Miss Reeve -
well what can i say about my tutor group…… the main they have been fabulous to their newly appointed tutor and I didn’t have that much time to get to know them in the usual tutor scheme of things although suffice to say some of them had character traits that were easy to identify. There are those who have been helpful and generous , with their unusual breakfast choices of varying chocolate confections , I could never resist a minstrel or a chocolate biscuit, and in return they occasionally had a piece of fruit donated from the teachers healthy eating fruit bowl.Many of them are kind considerate and caring and morning was a good time for them, whereas others found engaging with tutor, who had already been in school for at least an hour and was WIDE AWAKE, difficult to say the least. There were displays of outright grumpiness and rudeness, you know who you are! that in the main resulted in an apology , often from me. Yes I have to admit sometimes I displayed the same level of angst in the morning. I have cried with them, laughed with them got soooo frustrated that I have wanted to yell at them….. the usual range of emotions when dealing with a group of (is there a collective noun for a tutor group?) teenagers. Lateness became an issue for some including one young man whose lateness was legendary and the excuses worthy of a RADA nomination, the better the excuse the more likely it would be that he would make me laugh and might not get the obligatory late mark, i must say that he took the frustrated repartee in good humour unlike his mate who occasionally fell into the “don’t like morning don’t like school and don’t like you category” on the odd occasion which resulted in an outcry from his peers. “You can’t treat “Sladey” like that.” “Sladey” and our tutor group have missed the opportunity to say goodbye in good time honoured fashion but if ever we get the opportunity it would be lovely to see you. I wish you a bright and happy future and hope that you are happy in the choices that you make:)xx
What to say? For me like everyone else the school closure in March was a huge shock, bringing our five years together to an abrupt and untimely end. I was so conscious of how you were each squaring up to the ultimate challenge of revision and your GCSE final exams. There was a maturity and sense of purpose amongst you all that I felt immensely proud of, and one that built so clearly upon the huge step up I felt you had taken after your Y10 work experience.
You have been an awesome tutor group. Despite your wide ranging qualities as individuals you each found a place within the whole (yes even you Vlad), and I always deeply appreciated discussing important topics with you during our tutor time, especially during collapsed days. However different your opinions sometimes were we still managed, I felt, to hear and value each other, a skill you will find increasingly important in the years to come. I am sad that we were unable to address some of the issues of the Black Lives Matter movement in a similar way to those of Extinction Rebellion earlier in the school year.
Your tolerance and good humour was perhaps best evidenced by your benevolent endurance of my weekly Mindfulness sessions. Thank you for that, and again I hope again that these may have some fruit to bear you in the future .
It is a privilege reserved mainly for teachers to spend such important years in the proximity of so many young people as they make the extraordinary transition from children to young adults. For me it has been a genuine pleasure and huge honour to have been your Tutor. You have inspired and heartened me. The future needs you and your generation more than ever before.
Have a brilliant summer and I so look forward to seeing you all at our Prom when it finally comes to pass.
With best wishes and hope,
Mr Hurd-Thomas.
Well asking me to write about 11LHD was a challenge! Like Nanny McPhee, I picked them up in Year 10 from Mr Chick. Of all the tutor groups I’ve had, they were probably one of the quietest and unassuming. No dominating personalities or hugely entertaining stories just a generally nice, respectful and polite bunch of kids.
They all seemed to be fans of my ‘Beach Safety’ sessions which involved us watching Bondi Beach Rescue on a Friday!Connor – never tucked his chair in!
JJ would make me laugh every day with his stories and commentary on current events.
Olly, Charlie and Jarrad would have a yap to me every morning. (Albeit reluctantly)
Jemima, Evie, Hannah, Summer – lovely, polite and hardworking.
Ben – usually talked about football and when he would next be playing my son’s team.
Lily used to hide her nails in her bag and stalked my son on social media.
Yasmin and Lucy would liven things up with a touch of ‘adolescent drama’ from time to time.
Adam would sit in the room.
Sam – always ready with a smile and a cheeky laugh.
Phoebe always seemed to be working (but never on her HSC!)
Zoe and Skye – usually huddled together in their coats because my room is freezing apparently.
James – thought I didn’t know he had his earpod because it was in the ear I couldn’t see from the front of the room.
Megan and Freddie – always cooperative and liked to chat.
Jay was always late, as was Cameron.
Courtney was always late then stopped coming to Tutor completely.
Michael never came to Tutor. -
I might have only had the opportunity to work with 11GMD (formally known with a variety of initials) for seven months, but it was quickly apparent that I was lucky to pick up a wonderful group of young people. When the only obstacles you face as a tutor are the odd nose stud, a bit of shellac and the occasional chunk of tardiness, you know you’ve been somewhat fortuitous. I just feel a sense of pity that I didn’t get the chance to see you through your final few months of school and that I wasn’t your tutor for all of your five years at Plymstock.
So, thank you for being such a kind and affable tutor group. I wish you all the best for the future.
I became the tutor for 11LLG when they were in Year 9. I remember a number of staff saying to me that they had a reputation for being the most badly behaved tutor group in Year 8 and that they had run rings round both of their tutors in Year 7 and 8. I sat with them on Sports Day when they were in Year 8 and I couldn’t quite see the things that I was being told about. Suffice to say they never ran rings around me!!
My tutor group are a lovely group of young people with the same hope and fears as anyone else. Sometimes conversation was limited in tutor time but they soon got to grips with my weekly nag about equipment and uniform. Skirts, sleeves and white socks soon became things of the past at least in tutor time! As was checking that Wiktor had no sharp objects and sending Cerys to the hub.
My fondest memories are about visiting them during work experience I cannot pick out any individuals but seeing the students embracing the challenges that were put before them. Listening to the amazing feedback from their employers it was such a joy and made me very proud.
They will never really know what a difference they made to me when I returned to school half way through the Autumn term of Year 10 after a bereavement. They were kind and understanding in such a lovely way I was really touched.
I will miss all of them , the moodiness of some of the girls, some of the boys complaining about being tired, a couple falling asleep. Dan being late because something happened to his moped. The homework being quickly completed before lesson 1 .
On the last day when we closed not all of the group were there to say goodbye to but they surprised me with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, I have to admit to a tear in my eye at that point. But that was my tutor group they could be annoying and frustrating but also incredibly funny , kind and thoughtful. I hope that they go on to great things in the next few years because they all deserve to do well.
I will miss you all dearly and shall never forget the time we have spent together. You all cheered me up each and every day.
Destine you are a forced to be reckoned with and I cannot wait for your directorial debut – just remember to invite me to the Oscars when you are famous. Also, I shall never forget you tormenting Anna and Eleanor by slowly and painfully, revealing subtle plot twists in films and books, having got there first – hilarious. Thank you for being a bright, helpful light in the group and always bringing positivity to those around you. Here’s to you – assistant tutor.Eleanor, you took up more desk space with your mind maps than, well, someone taking up a lot of desk space. One day, if I ever get around to rock climbing, maybe I will see you on a mountain face. Alex Honnold has nothing on you!
Anna, my Columbo mug is now my ‘go to’ mug for tea and coffee. I truly am grateful for it. Keep playing the ukulele and bring happiness to those around you. I’m sure you will still be the fastest on Times Table Rock Stars for years to come.
Cameron your debates were legendary and your moral questions about social etiquette often very interesting and I always knew where you were because I would follow the sweet wrappers. You showed great resilience on your work experience so well done. My advice for the future… always check the labels before posting.
Sammy you were a legend for walking each morning what seemed to be across the whole of Plymouth, but you always made it in. I have a theory that your endurance came from that Mountain Dew drink I used to confiscate from you on a regular basis. You’d be one hour slower without it. I was extremely proud of you during work experience to see you designing fantastic buildings, using the companies complicated software; they were very impressed and so was I. They even had a vending machine with Mountain Dew!
Grace, it was always nice to see you look out for and support your friends. I now know what highlighter is and being a middle aged man, that washes his face with just water, I feel I can now spot that highlighted shine on any students face and issue a red card ,without hesitation, so I thank you for that. #trousers4eva
Lily, you worked extremely hard to catch up and meet challenging subjects head on and I was proud to see you do this. I’d have to compare you to Wolverine though, not because you are hairy and have super strength because sometimes those acrylic nails would be out and then suddenly, they’d be gone. But sir they’re like glued on!
Lucy, your time on work experience showed how great you are with younger children and I know that this will be a fantastic area for you to work in. You showed great sympathy with young people. Always keep smiling and stay happy.
Megan, I bet you are chewing gum as you read this and its fine because you share! You truly work unbelievably hard and I couldn’t keep up with the amount of help you gave to external groups outside of school. I felt like half a year I didn’t see you because you gave up so much of your time to help younger students – you are such an amazing person and always had a smile on your face! Can I have a chewing gum now please?
Alfie, I am beginning to think you are made of steel with all of the rugby injuries you have although you always made sure all the girls knew how you were feeling, so that was nice. Your humour and helpful manner was always amazing and you brightened up those around you. You will make a fantastic captain and be brilliant -front of house.
Oliver, I never once had you mixed up with your brother William and you were a joy to have in the group your jokes and laughter lightened the mood. I better double check the register just in case.
Wiktoria, you have drive and passion and I know you will make a fantastic biomedical scientist. Keep smiling and cheering those up around you. You really have done well for yourself and should be very proud.
Oliver, it was great to have you in the group and your enthusiasm is what will help you later in life. Keep smiling. Whatever you decide to do in life you will be great.
Shanine, I will always remember you standing up in front of the whole group to give a presentation. One of the bravest things I have seen and it was a pleasure to watch your confidence grow over the past few years. Stay confident!
David, at the end of the register but with the coolest name ever! I always enjoyed a quick joke about your imaginary past, as a secret spy working special ops for MI5, who is required to protect me and keep me alive. You are an outstanding student intellectually with an outstanding personality to match. Stay cool.
Emily, Ms Lyons and I will miss you and wish you all the best in your future. Look after yourself and those horses.
Ethan, Owen and Harry together you are like one super being- capable of: strange catch phrases ‘are you alright’ and leaving sausage role carnage behind you at lunch. You each made me laugh and were always able to blame the mess on the year above except now, you are the year above- so pick it up– lol. I’ll always remember Ethan’s role in the school production and that costume he must have stolen from his parents.
Nathan, you were like my assistant at times. ‘Sir that’s actually next week’ (insert dry tone) what will I do without you next year? Maybe I’ll bump into you out on my mountain bike! You were so hard working and that memory!
Christopher, I’ve got to say meeting you on work experience was great and your dad is a legend. It’ll be great to see you out enjoying yourself working! You always cracked me up.
Zara, it was funny to watch others try your food not realising how hot and spicy it was. You settled in really quickly and did so well to catch up – you should be very proud of yourself.
Alistair (Ali) thanks for always being such calming presence in the group and the voice of reason when needed. You are going to do so well when you finally leave and you were a pleasure to be around and always so polite.
Jess, I think I worried more about the safety of that PE folder than anything else. Did you finally get to give it in? You will make a great sports coach one day in the not too distant future. One question though, don’t all of those Pandora charms weigh you down when you run?
Joey, it was great having you in the group and always remember that there are two letter L’s in your name not one. Otherwise, this could end up causing some confusion when you fill in forms later in life. Also, alarm clocks are really, really useful things. No, really they are.
Finally this to everyone, I enjoyed every minute of our time together and would like to thank you all for the laughs, kind words and all out fun had and it won’t be the same without you. Sorry if I missed anyone out and you can pop in whenever you like- ask Destine and she’ll put your name down.
Dear Year 11,
It feels like a long time ago you all came into SC10 punctually, in the correct uniform, with new fully stocked pencil cases, looking nervous and excited for your first day at Plymstock School. Needless to say that was the first and last day everyone had the correct uniform and equipment and turned up on time. I’ve spent the remaining 5 years nagging you, generally to rolling of eyes or being told to chill out. I hope this effort will stand you in good stead for the future, when you turn up to your first job interview on time or an important day at work with all the equipment you need to be able to get the job done. I hope then you will realize that I wasn’t just doing it because I liked nagging you but because I wanted to help you get into good habits and it is important!
I will miss you ALL, even those of you that have made fun of me over the years, you have been my first tutor group and it’s been incredible seeing you grow up and develop. Thank you for all the amazing memories, you have made me smile a lot. When you see me out and about in the future make sure you say hi, when you drive past on your first driving lesson make sure you beep me and when you work behind a bar and I come in make sure I get an extra big glass of wine 🙂
I’ve most been looking forward to seeing you open your results on results day and celebrating your amazing achievements with you, which you have been working towards for the last 5 years. I am very disappointed for you that your experience will be different this year. But rest assured I will be getting up early on results day and nervously logging so soon as your results go up to see how every single one of you has done, and no doubt feeling proud of you all. If any of you need any help on results day please feel free to contact me ( I hope I will get the chance to say well done and goodbye to you in person soon. But take care and the best wishes for everything that you do in your future. You guys are brilliant 🙂 Mrs Boyle