Information for families with children in Year 10
Published on 08/06/20
The government has said that secondary school students sitting exams next year – Year 10s and 12s – could start receiving face-to-face support from their school from Monday 15 June, at the earliest. But they don’t expect these students to return fulltime. The government has also published guidance for families with children in secondary school.
From the 15th June the education of our students will continue to be driven using Distance Learning; this will be complemented by an in-school Face to Face programme for Year 10 and 12. Government guidelines require that only 25% of the year group is in school at any one time.
This, coupled with the logistics of ensuring that the site is kept clean, social distancing adhered to and that students receive lessons from subject specialists, means that this in-school Face to Face programme will be very different from the normal school experience that our students are accustomed to.
On Monday 15 June – if the government confirms it is safe to do so.
No, Year 10 will return to school on a part-time timetable, for one day each week. They will be taught by the same group of teachers (subject to staffing availability).
You may have read about this approach in the media, i.e. staff and pupils organised into a ‘bubble’ – in effect, mini schools, self-contained on our school site.
We will contact families directly to let them know when their child(ren) can attend school, on which days they will attend, their designated entrance and which zone (bubble) they will be part of.
Year 10 students can attend part-time but only on the specific dates and times they have been invited to attend with the other students and staff in their zone (bubble).
Students and teachers will only be at school for the allocated time.
This is to ensure the numbers we have on site at any one time remains small and within the 25% guidance, this will allow us to maintain stringent social distancing.
The children of key workers and vulnerable children will continue to be able to access our Edu-care provision; MyEd messages are sent to parents/carers that have requested provision. For more information they are to contact Liz Monelle via email: Our Edu-care provision will run alongside our partial re-opening to Year 10 and 12 pupils. It is available 9.00am to 3.00pm each weekday.
Government advice is they should if they can. Attendance is not compulsory and at the moment you will not be fined if your child(ren) remain at home. Current guidance is that should you wish to keep your child(ren) at home for the rest of this academic school year, no sanctions will be given for non-attendance.
We hope that as many of our pupils as possible will attend, given our approach and the measures we have put in place.
We are aware that some students will need to continue to remain at home due to the risk of themselves or other members of their household contracting the disease. If someone in your household is shielding, because they are extremely critically vulnerable, then your child(ren) should not attend school. They should continue to work from home.
Distance learning will continue to be set by staff to aid study for all students.
In order to allow us to maintain the best offer of support for your child(ren), we would be grateful if you could inform us as soon as possible if you change your decision on whether or not you will be sending your child(ren) to school should we reopen for Year 10 students.
If this is the case, please email
We are taking a number of steps to make sure we can open as safely as possible.
- Our school is being deep cleaned prior to the phased re-opening from 15 June.
- Hand sanitiser will be available in each teaching room.
- We have no-touch thermometers and will use these to check temperatures on site.
- Staff will have PPE to administer first aid where necessary.
- We have put up signs to remind pupils to wash their hands frequently throughout the day.
- We have put up signs to remind students to keep the 2m distance.
- There are markings around the school every 2 metres to make social distancing clear, for example in corridors.
- Desks/workstations have been moved apart.
- One-way systems have been put in place and marked.
One of Plymstock School’s greatest strengths is the relationships between adults & students and adults & adults.
This is a fundamental part of teaching and our staff are really looking forward to welcoming more of our children back into our school; it will be different but most importantly safe.
The layout of our classrooms has been altered to allow social distancing. For example, to create more space students will be working at examination desks.
Students will be taught in classes of no more than 10. They will be taught in the same room and be allocated the same desk for all lessons.
Our focus will be on ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff and learners in this next phase and specifically on the re-engagement, nurture and support for the young people who will be in school, despite what may look and feel like a different, sparse and sterile environment.
We have split Year 10 into four new populations. Each population will attend one day per week in its own zone. This will ensure we are within the Government guidelines which require that only 25% of the year group is in school at any one time. Each of these populations has been further split into 3 classes, so individual classes will be much smaller than normal (8 – 10 students, depending on the classroom).
Students will stay with their group, or zone (bubble) throughout their time on site – different groups won’t mix. Each group will have its own dedicated outside space and toilets.
- The number of students in each classroom will be determined by the 2-metre
- distancing rule. For the majority of the classrooms this will be a maximum of
- 10 students.
- Desks/workstations have been moved apart.
- Hand-washing / social distancing posters will be displayed throughout the school.
- Hand-washing/sanitising will happen before entering and leaving the classroom.
- Staff will encourage regular hand-washing/sanitising.
- Social distancing markers are clear throughout the school.
- Hand-washing/sanitising will happen before entering and leaving the school.
- Staff will promote and encourage regular hand-washing/sanitising.
- Each zone (bubble) will have access to a separate toilet. These will be used on a 1-in-1-out basis to ensure social distancing.
- Personal belongings (food, pens, books, etc.) will not be shared.
- Students will need to bring all their own refreshments (food and drink) for the
- time they are in school. No food will be available for purchase on site and the
- water fountains will not be operational. We will have water bottles available for
- additional supplies for exceptional circumstances, for example in the event
- students run out of water in very hot weather.
- Doors will be propped open to minimise touching door handles, wherever fire regulations allow us to do this.
- A zone system will be in place to minimise movement around the school.
- Students and teachers will not move between zones.
- Sessions will be off-set to reduce movement into the school and all activity will take place in their allocated Zone.
- Students will be allocated a classroom, within a zone, and will be allocated seats and must stick to this seating plan, this will enable tracing should the need arise.
- Each zone (bubble) will have their own door to enter and exit the building and be limited to a certain route through the school. Students won’t be permitted to go anywhere else.
- Only teachers/teams timetabled to be in school will attend.
- We will not accept visitors on site, except in emergencies.
- Students and teachers must only be at school for the allocated time.
- Start times will be staggered (students will be informed nearer the time as to when these will be). This staggered start will reduce any chance of unnecessary social mixing.
- Students arriving for Edu-care should arrive no earlier than 8.45am.
Yes. Prior to the phased re-opening for Year 10 the school will be deep cleaned.
We will also be increasing cleaning throughout the school day. This will include:
- Touch points, such as handrails and door handles
- Toilets
- Emptying of bins
- Desks, tables and other surfaces
Yes, whilst in school, students will be required to observe social distancing at all times and adhere to school rules. Staff will be reminding students about social distancing frequently. Where needed there will markers (e.g. outside toilets and the entrances to the school site).
If a student is unable to maintain social distancing, they will be asked to continue with distance learning at home.
Students will use different entrances/exits to the school building and there will also be a staggered start/end to the day.
Year 10: Zone 2 Hums – 9.30am / Zone 3 Maths and MFL – 10.00am / Zone 4 English – 10.30am
Edu-care Zone 0 and 1 – 8.45am arrival for a 9.00am start Year 12 Zone 5 – 9.45am
Each student will receive an individual letter confirming their time of arrival, entrance and the zone (bubble) they have been allocated to. Students must not deviate from the details on this letter in order to protect each zone (bubble).
Students will be supervised by staff as they move around the school site.
In shared areas, such as toilets, systems will be used – a 1-in-1-out basis to ensure social distancing.
No one with Covid-19 symptoms will be allowed on site. If someone develops symptoms whilst on site, they will be isolated while arrangements are made for them to leave safely, and as quickly as possible.
The small group sizes within each zone (bubble), regular hand-washing and strict social distancing reduce the risk of infection.
We have PPE available for staff administering first aid, where necessary.
First Aid procedures have been adapted for COVID-19 and in the event of a non COVID-19 emergency our team of staff will contact you and make arrangements for you to collect your child, should this eventuality occur. Similarly, this applies if there is a need for support with any prescribed medication.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year/Tutor or please email
Our teaching teams will be helping to prepare students for their GCSE exams next year.
In-school Face to Face sessions will be delivered by subject specialists and will complement the Distance Learning programme by enabling real-time discussion and feedback.
English, Maths and Science will be delivered, as far as possible, by specialist staff.
Each student will be offered one day a week at school, this will consist of two 2-hour sessions in the core subjects only (English, Maths & Science) taught by a subject specialist.
These will be delivered on a rotational basis over the remaining weeks of term. Thus, over a three-week period each student will have attended 2 sessions in each subject (English, Mathematics & Science).
These sessions will complement the current Distance Learning and resources will be shared on Show My Homework to ensure that those students who are unable to attend school (e.g. shielding a family member) are not disadvantaged.
In total, of the remaining 5 weeks of the summer term, students will have attended 5 days on site, one day per week.
Students will enter the school site via an allocated entrance point. There will be different entrances and exits to the school building for each group. We are going to be making the most of our space to make sure groups do not mix.
The driveways and entrances and exits will have 2-metre markings to assist students
and staff maintaining social distancing.
The end of school will be staggered, so that children can be distanced when they leave the site.
We will contact families directly to let them know further details.
Sadly, once students have left our site, we have no authority other than to remind them of the need for social distancing. It is vitally important that parents and carers communicate this message clearly to their children.
Social distancing as students travel to and from school remains the responsibility of parents and carers.
Government advice is that pupils should, as far as possible, walk or cycle to school.
If you are planning to drop your child off by car, please be aware that there will be no vehicle access for parents.
Please be considerate to our neighbours, other road users and pedestrians if dropping your child off in Church Road and Lands Park.
Please refer to Stagecoach and Citybus regarding their services.
The government has made the use of face coverings mandatory on public transport from Monday 15 June. Your child(ren) will be required to wear a face covering from this date in order to use a bus to travel to school.
In terms of what students need to wear for these sessions, we would recommend: a plain white shirt, dark trousers/knee length skirt and appropriate footwear as suitable clothing for a school environment.
This is because it is a good idea, where possible, to have a shower and wash clothes as soon as possible after leaving school.
Please do not send your child to school in midriff tops, short skirts or shorts, flip-flops or beachwear; this list is not exhaustive.
Any student not wearing appropriate school wear will be warned and parents informed. In terms of jewellery and hair styles, this has not changed from existing school policy.
We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe but dressed for school.
The policy on uniform requirements will be re-visited for the start of the next academic year.
Students will need to bring all their own refreshments (food and drink) for the time they are in school.
No food will be available for purchase on site and the water fountains will not be operational. We will have water bottles available for additional supplies for exceptional circumstances, for example in the event students run out of water in very hot weather.
Lunch will be provided for students who collect free school meals in the form of a ‘grab bag’.
A well-stocked pencil case containing the following items: 2 black/blue pens, 2 HB pencils, pencil sharpener, ruler, eraser, a scientific calculator, colouring pencils, a pair of compasses, protractor, mini dictionary (advantageous not compulsory).
Yes, they will be able to go outside during breaks with their zone (bubble). Each bubble will have a dedicated outside space. Students must remember to observe social distancing rules, even when outside and will be reminded by the staff on duty supervising them.
Students will sanitise their hands when they leave and re-enter the building.
child(ren) have to attend?
No. If you have received a letter from the NHS instructing you to shield, we don’t expect your child to attend school. Please email if you are shielding.
No. No one, staff or students, exhibiting any symptoms, to include coughing and/or fever, should attend.
They remain at home for the period of isolation.
If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow the STAY AT HOME GUIDANCE for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection or COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection
Government advice states they are fine to attend and pose minimal risk. However, should you wish to keep your child at home, there will be no formal action.
No. You should all remain at home for the period of isolation
Yes, we will continue to offer full-time Edu-care for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. This will take place each weekday from 9.00am to 3.00pm.
Edu-care pupils are asked to arrive on site no earlier than 8.45am.
Yes, we will continue to deliver remote distance learning for Year 10 students as well as to year groups not in school.
Year 10 students will attend school one day per week. On the other four days they should work from home using the resources provided by their teachers on Show My Homework.
The sessions in school will complement the current Distance Learning and resources will be shared on Show My Homework – to ensure that those students who are unable to attend school (e.g. shielding a family member) are not disadvantaged.
If you have subject-specific questions, please email your child’s teacher. If your question is about your child’s well-being then please contact their tutor, Assistant Head of Year or Head of Year.
For Year 10: Miss Sophie Harris, Head of Year 10,
Safeguarding issues should be raised with our Designated Safeguarding Lead,
Leeshia Walton, Mobile: 07950336841, email:
If you have questions, please email using: and these will be directed to a member of staff to answer.
If you have specific questions with regard to your child’s learning, please email:
Mrs Louise Duff, DIRECTOR OF LEARNING, for Years 7& 8,
Mr Mark Taylor, DIRECTOR OF LEARNING, for Years 9 & 10,
Miss Liz Monelle, DIRECTOR OF POST 16
Miss Evans, Associate Assistant Headteacher, SCHOOL OVERSIGHT OF DISTANCE LEARNING,
Information about Distance Learning can be found here: