The admission arrangements outlined on this website apply to admissions to Plymstock School. Westcountry Schools Trust (WeST) – Multi Academy Trust are the Admissions Authority.
Admission Arrangements for 2024/25
The admission arrangements for 2024/25 can be viewed HERE
Admission Arrangements for 2025/26
The admission arrangements for 2025/26 can be viewed HERE
Admission out of the normal age group: Places will normally be offered in the year group according to the child’s date of birth but a parent may submit an application for a year group other than the child’s chronological year group. A decision will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned. This will include taking account of the parent’s views; information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development; where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional; whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group; and whether they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely. The admission authority will also take into account the views of the head teacher of the school(s) concerned. Parents must not assume that the decision of one school will transfer with the child to a different school as the decision rests with the individual admission authority. Where a place is refused in a different year group but a place is
offered in the school, there will be no right of appeal.
Appeals: In the event that an applicant is denied a place at the school, the parent/carer will have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel. Information relating to the appeal process can be obtained from Plymouth City Council’s School Admissions Team.
Fraudulent applications/withdrawal of allocated places: The School Admissions Code allows an offer of a school place to be withdrawn if:
- it has been offered in error or
- a parent has not responded within a reasonable period of time or
- it is established that the offer was obtained through a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application. An example of this would be knowingly using an incorrect home address for a child. In these cases the application would be considered using the information that the local authority believes to be correct, for example using the home address where the local authority considers that the child actually lives.
All suspected fraudulent applications will be investigated and if a case is found, it could lead to
criminal prosecution.