Year 13 Leavers page
Year 13 Leavers
To all the Year 13s
Well I never thought this would be the way I would be saying goodbye to you!
For my first year as your Head of Sixth Form it has certainly been an interesting one, and I cannot help but feel disappointed that we have not had the opportunity to show everyone what we would have managed to achieve with a normal exam season and the joy of seeing the results you have worked hard to obtain from these exams.
As far as 2020 goes, this will certainly be a year I won’t forget and the most interesting year for me as a teacher. Not simply due to the current pandemic situation but the fact that you will always be a special year group for me, my first year group through sixth form. I have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity of working with you all this year and am proud of all of you in the dedication you have shown during your time with us.
Seeing you all grow into young adults and the skills you have developed over your time with us, both for further studies and to be successful in later life reminds me that you are the reason I am a teacher and proud to be – especially at Plymstock School!
I have loved hearing about some of the steps you have already taken in your next steps for life and am looking forward to continuing to hear about these – please stay in touch.
Finally (before I get emotional!) all I want to say is good luck and goodbye (for now) – we will meet up again as soon as possible to have a belated celebration.
Miss Monelle

Student Comments
Thank you to everyone who played a part, for better or for worse, in this period of time. Thank you for the good days, where I physically hurt myself through laughter, met someone incredible, danced my way back home. And thank you for the bad days, where I felt broken, useless, worthless…because without those I’d have nothing to compare the good days to. I’ll never forget these years.
Just a few pictures from our drama! Sadly we didnt get one with Mrs Lowe before we left!
We’d just like to say thank you to Mr Chick, Mrs Lowe and Ms Hawker for all their work with us, we really could not have done it without them! For many of us the drama department has been a massive part of our 7 years at Plymstock, and we will all miss it a lot! We have loved performing, and all that comes along with it, even when we were all on the verge of tears and exhaustion from rehearsals!
It really has been great.
Thank you
We’ve loved our time in sixth form and the past year as Head boy and girl. Everyone has helped make this time so enjoyable and it’s been great to see us come together as a year group, regardless of whether we were at Plymstock from the very start of year 7 or if we joined later on. We’re gutted that our time was cut short and we missed out on so much, but I’m sure we can agree this will certainly be a school leavers to remember! We wish everyone good luck on results day and wish you all the best for your next steps.
Ms Williams – You were such a positive and wacky character throughout criminology, and it is a shame that proceeding years won’t have you as their teacher, but I wish you a great retirement and good luck in the future!
Mr Sprenkel – I have definitely made a few mistakes in your lessons (which haven’t been overlooked), as I have been called many various insults, due to my own stupidity (but then what is a Sprenkel lesson without being called a moron!)
Mr Dale – Our lessons were very productive, with everyone working every hard and knuckling down with all those essays 😉 Although we are all still waiting on George’s essay, which is overdue by several months.
Miss Cohen – I wouldn’t be lying if I said that I definitely worried Miss Cohen with the amount of the NEA I had completed throughout the year, but somehow I managed to get there (at least somewhat).
Mr Farrant – It wouldn’t be a good ol’ applied science lesson with Mr Farrant, without our very awkward greeting as I enter the classroom (even Mr O’Neil can account for this as well).
To everyone in year 13, I wish you the best of luck for the future through whichever route you have decided to take
Let’s just say sixth form has been a whirl wind. Everyone has had good times bad times, we’ve all pulled together when it’s mattered most and we’ve made friends with people that we might not have in the past. As a year group we’ve worked hard up at a level where we all felt we could achieve our best. Even though our year was halted to an abrupt finish the memories we’ve made together will last us a life time. I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see all of your future success stories unravel before you. Best wishes to you all, Trin
For Mr Chick, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Hawker –
From the day I arrived in year 10 to my final class with you due to coronavirus you’ve pushed me and made me grow as an actress and a person. Your lessons have taught me to be resilient, how to lead and to trust my judgement and ideas. With your help I’ve become a psychopath, a waitress and a niaeve young women all roles which pushed me and in which I delivered my best performances. I now without fail I can stand in front of an audience and deliver a captivating speech or monologue. With your help in building me as a more confident and more exciting person I’ve been able to land myself an apprenticeship at Babcock which I feel without the aid of the skills you have taught me I wouldn’t have been able to achieve. Thank you so much and know you’ve helped me for the better. Trin
Ms Williams
To you all I can really say is thank you. You’ve always been so patient with me and so supportive through all the emotional leaps and bounds I’ve been through. You’ve carried on believing in me when I no longer believed in myself and helped me strive in sociology. The friends that I’ve made in your class are ones that I would have never thought would have happened, I feel in a way that you’ve helped me open my eyes to new possibilities and new ideas for going forward. In your lessons I’ve been the surprise medic and the thumb in some cases keeping those around me in check which I’m sure by now they know not to mess around when I’m about. Thank you for always being there for a chat and making me smile, all my best and more Trin.
English Literature and Language Tab
Dear Ayla, Katie, Dan, Phoebe, Evie and Brooke,
I just wanted to say that a teaching week without seeing you all just won’t be the same. I shall miss the smiley faces, the knowing looks, the dramatic reading of texts by Katie and Dan, the bucket full of sarcasm, the lot! It’s been a special 3,5 years of teaching you.
Dear Jake, Faith, Alex, Trinity, Julia and Molly,
It’s been a pleasure teaching you. All the very best to you all in your next chapter!
Dear Sammie,
What a determined and hardworking young lady you are! You will go far! I will be looking out for you in all the athletic events on TV as I’m convinced you will be there.
Dear Bart,
May your confidence continue to ooze. Go far! Powodzenia!
Dear Bart,
May your confidence continue to ooze. Go far! Powodzenia!
I’d just like to say a fond farewell and a huge thankyou to both my Yr13 Media and Yr13 English Lit and Lang classes. They were both amazing groups – all the students were hardworking and lovely; a real pleasure to teach. I know my co-teachers Mr Dale and Mrs Bartlett felt the same, and it’s not always the case! We didn’t have any problems with effort levels going into Yr13 and had very high hopes for their results this year. It’s difficult to list individual students (which is rare) since each student was standout, and there was a real sense of collaboration and support between them. Best wishes to all and let us know how you get on with your next steps. Take care,
Miss Cohen x
Dear Ayla, Jemimah, Julia, Amber, Misha and Katie,
Just wanting to wish all of you well and say again how sorry I am we didn’t get to see the course through to the end together. I was so looking forward to what you were about to create. You were an absolutely brilliant class – confident and talented, friendly and fun to be with. Myself, Ms Wakeham and Ms Graves thoroughly enjoyed teaching you. Keep in touch and good luck with your next steps in September. I am sure you will all do incredibly well.
All the best,
Mr Hurd-Thomas.
I’d just like to say a fond farewell and a huge thankyou to both my Yr13 Media and Yr13 English Lit and Lang classes. They were both amazing groups – all the students were hardworking and lovely; a real pleasure to teach. I know my co-teachers Mr Dale and Mrs Bartlett felt the same, and it’s not always the case! We didn’t have any problems with effort levels going into Yr13 and had very high hopes for their results this year. It’s difficult to list individual students (which is rare) since each student was standout, and there was a real sense of collaboration and support between them. Best wishes to all and let us know how you get on with your next steps. Take care,
Miss Cohen x
Business Studies
To my year 13 business class which was full of incredible and hard working students – thank you for being awesome. You will definitely be missed! – Mr Davies
Year 13 History students-I really enjoyed being one of your History teachers for two years and hopefully you agree that we had some good times together! I will miss all of you and I am sorry that your final year was cut short. Good luck for the future! Mr Willcocks
Thank you so much for being such a lovely class. It was a lot of fun and I miss you all. Good luck with whatever you choose to do next
Daisy – oh that mischievous laugh is definitely going to go on to create more mischief!
Emily – had the prettiest notes and brought the most snacks. I enjoyed our catch ups at the start of each lesson. I am not over the breaking of the BRAND NEW ROUND BOTTOM FLASK.
Tobi – Enjoy this chill out time – you deserve it. Do some yoga!
Freddie – the most frantic person with the speediest walk ever!
Charlie – as long as he beat Freddie he was happy!
Charlie – as long as he beat Freddie he was happy!
Freya – awesome determination and inability to feel the cold.
Toby and Amy – you guys did entertain me during practicals – I know that wasn’t the intention but it was definitely funny to watch! and Amy are you going to miss naming organic compounds? I don’t think you are!
Tegan and Bryony – you do know you drove me mad but you will be missed!
Allan, Ben, George: I’ll be honest you were definitely a little odd – I don’t know what half of the noises were coming from your pod!? A bit obsessed with the rubber gloves.
Memories of yr 13 A level Biology 2018-2020:
Wading through Tobi’s long and winding answers whilst he has his ‘ooooops, I wrote too much again’ look on his face!
Looking at bemused faces as I got over excited about Mimosa plants – then the joy when Freya grew some from seed and gave 2 to me 🙂
Annabel’s mixed look of joy and relief when she tentatively answers a question in class and it’s correct!
Josh’s moments of pure brilliance
Phoebe, Georgia, Tegan and Liz’s quiet perseverance and resilience
Constantly being the adjudicator in Charlie, Josh, Ben and Ryan’s random biology based arguments!
Daisie’s ability to be so bright but have zero common sense always made for amusing conversations
Watching Lucy, Georgia and Phoebe in one group and Daisie, Skye and Tobi in another group staring with the same confused faces at their practical work, then having near identical arguments about who has done what wrongly!
You have been a delightful class and I am so proud of the efforts you all put in, coming back every week at lunchtime for over a year to ensure that you were fully prepared for every aspect of the exams. On the plus side, the hideousness that is the biology examination process will never have to be fully experienced…. that’s a win!
Sport & Physical Activity
I am going to miss my CAMTEC class soooo much.
With such a small class you get to know them so well and I genuinely enjoyed spending time with them.
Ryan B – he is such a lovely member of the group and coped really well being the only male in the room when Drew left after year 12. He worked incredibly hard throughout the 2 years and often had entertaining stories about his football team. He will make a great student and I wish him all the best at Marjons perusing a career in sport.
Hannah T – I’ve know Hannah since she was a toddler and have watched her grow into a lovely mature young lady. She was often the quiet member of the group as she couldn’t get a word in edge ways even if she wanted to, but always contributed her own ideas to discussions when given time to speak! Her level head and conscientious approach to every homework and test she revised for, earnt the distinction grade she deserves. She will make a very caring, calm, loving health care professional and I wish her all the best at Cardiff.
Hannah L – I’ve known Hannah for many years as one of my awesome Trampolining coaches. From a very early age Hannah always loved working with younger pupils and has a real gift for coaching. I have watched her grow in confidence every year and I’m really grateful for all the time she given to the club. As one of my ex GCSE PE students I’ve loved teaching her in the classroom for the last 4 years. She should be really proud of her distinction star…all those hours of study where worth it! I wish her all the best in the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure it has been teaching my very small Cam Tech Sport Studies group over the past two years. I feel you have all become amazing young adults that are ready to embark on the next part of your journey at University.
Ryan, work hard and get your coursework in on time! At least you won’t be the only male!
Hannah T, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, good luck.
Hannah L, thank you for all the trainer advice. I enjoyed putting the world to rights with you!
Alex, I think you will be a great sports coach or teacher, always have faith in yourself!
I will miss you all, the weekly chats and the great aspirations.
I hope you have an amazing time at University and remember to ‘be the best you can be’.
Take care and keep in touch, Mrs Kirk
Sports Science
To the Y13 A-level PE class of 2020 it has been a pleasure to both teach and get to know you over the 2 years. Here is how you will live in my memory. Sammie H – constantly tired (from training), always trying to check her phone but smashing out top grades. Bart Z, Ryan P and Matt R were always up for a good discussion and would talk passionately all day about sport (if you let them). Faith W loved looking out the window to watch the world go by but produced high grades when it mattered and Abbie C worked hard and persevered to succeed. At the end of the day you were 6 lovely people that I always looked forward to teaching in my week. The very best of luck in the future and keep in touch.
Mr Campbell
Best wishes and good luck for the next exciting chapter in your lives. You have risen to every challenge….. the new 9-1 GCSEs, A Levels and a Global Pandemic. In the words of Deepak Chopra, ‘Challenges are solved by raising to a level higher than the challenge’, and as a year group you have clearly done this and much more. Best wishes
Drama & School Shows
This year’s year 13 have left me with amazing memories of superb students! From the four fearless souls who took a GCSE in music in lessons after school, in one year, in year 10… and absolutely smashed it, to my wonderful A Level Theatre Studies group… what a bunch of legends (and yes, I know I use that word a lot but I really mean it when describing you lot)! I have so many happy memories of this year group that I will treasure forever but particularly the contribution that so many of the students (and not just those studying drama) have made to the school shows. Your hard work, talent and hilarious personalities have really made the shows a pleasure to do. I will miss this year group greatly and wish you every success for your futures. You truly deserve amazing things.
Social Sciences
Little did I know when I was teaching year 13 sociology, psychology and criminology that you would be my last year 13s ever! I am so privileged to have taught you and you were the greatest. I am so happy that you were my last classes, you made my last year of teaching amazing. Make the most of your lives Class of 2020, I miss you 🙂 Ms Williams
Highlights of year 13 Physics:
• Being the recipient of one of Jemimah’s ‘hard stares’
• Moment calculations, you lot just loved moment calculations!
• Watching Emily change from claiming to be ‘too cool for Physics’ to becoming a fully-fledged equation loving physics geek.
• Daily rants about you lot being late….again!
• Realising Alan was a real person when he actually turned up.
• The ‘friendly rivalry’ between Plymstock and Hele’s
• Discovering Toby was a massive Venga-boys fan
• coming into class after seeing ‘Sister-act’ with a new found respect for Bryony’s singing talents and a fear of Freddie
What a lovely bunch you were. I don’t think I will have a class quite like this one again:
- Daisie the panicky thinker and planner,
- Chloe who was always miles away,
- Freddie the mad scientist,
- Ben who never wrote it all down because it was all in his head,
- Ryan who wanted to do the sums his way (the wrong way!),
- Tobi the perfectionist,
- Josh who worked so hard,
- Freya who was always very pragmatic,
- Annabelle the quiet one,
- Lucy, another perfectionist,
- Elizabeth who (rightly!) questioned how it worked and why,
- Tegan with her wry smile
and last but not least
- Emily who practically moved into Ma1 this year (I still don’t know how you could work your calculator with those nails). I definitely spent more time with you than my own daughter!
I am sorry we didn’t get a proper “last lesson” due to the game of Jumanji we all got enrolled in. I would have bought you cake (you know I wouldn’t have actually baked!). You were all an absolute pleasure to teach and spend time do rock ‘ard sums with. As you move onto the next stage in your education/careers/lives I wish you all the best. You all deserve to succeed in whatever you set your minds to doing. Work hard and do what makes you happy!
Year 13 Gallery
So it started in September 2018 with a Really Bright bunch of students fresh from excellent GCSE results, ready to start their A level studies. After handing out the flash cards on day one, little did I know they would be handed out regularly for a year and a half! (Too many Biologists!). Then onto the Guess Who style game with some very strange choices of Well Know Characters entered into the box! After the getting to know you activity we were ready for “Team Building“ on mass on the Tennis Courts, where I was particularly impressed with the moving two planks and also the posting of a student, who previously didn’t have a hair out of place, through the top gap of the web!
You were also very healthy and I always had to eat the sweets! Thinking of Healthy, there was the Douhnut eating competition in charity week with the spin on “One Doughnut as fast as you can”, and Mr Sprenkel still remains the record holder. Of course there was also the Mr Sprenkel CAPITAL LETTERS Email over frustration in the common room, and you were nearly settled down by Christmas. You were also used to the regular routine by then of Manic Monday (with Mr Leal fresh from a Family Weekend) as well as delayed hair colour/cut/fashion observations of you all, the “Form Time Ideas“ Website with Great Jokes (!) but especially the World Tour via the Guess the Map (Which Archipelago did I say I would meet you all at?) and of course the enforced Fav Song Friday, regularly judged by most of the Tutor Groups GCSE Maths Teacher our neighbour, Mrs Graham.
Bu January you had settled in and impressed me with your steady work ethic, and were regularly teaching me a thing or two (I have dropped the idea of becoming a Doctor, Astrophysicist, Engineer, Artist or Politician). You were also theatrically talented with many lead roles in both Annie in year 12 and Sister Act in Yr13, which no doubt acted as training for the Mock Law Trial as well. Mr Leal had an inconvenience of a Birthday, and you had to tolerate a lot of reminiscing, and I can’t believe it Tutor times, thank you for your support, or at least caring tolerance! We had some awesome individual performances and teamwork in the “Your Hired” Competition, only outperformed by our Dodge Ball performances which were superb! We then had the start of UCAS with the trip to Exeter (and the collect the best give away competition, was it the sun glasses in the end?!), followed by a sponsored walk and then the Amazing Sports Day Support team, and some ice lollies!
Year 12 was then done and the pace picked up, with Miss Monelle newly in the driving seat and alternating assemblies with Beckie, you were encouraged along (with a fork or two thrown in!) and completed intense studying, almost endless subject tests, nearly daily for some of you, as well as the “top secret” driving tests, may be some Monday Morning Gossip, Healthy eating and lifestyle Zen tips, as well as more “in my day…” discussions in Reg. Assemblies got more serious, UCAS personal statements and applications were written, Job applications and interviews were made (Beckie was amazing as always), and you steadily prepared yourself for the inevitable Examinations, and then the most unexpected thing happened…
Covid 19 and Lockdown 2020…
I left very abruptly, didn’t really say goodbye, your Exams and studies were thrown in the air, friends were taken away and before you knew it, you had finished…
13JDL you were a fantastic tutor group, and I have missed you, and have thought of you all, particularly while writing this diary of the time we shared. I hope you are all keeping well, and I know you will make the most of the exciting, if challenging, times ahead of you, flourishing and shining brightly down whatever path you choose to take. The 13JDL Tutor Group Sign may have represented a sunset on your schooling, but it really is a bright sunrise for the start of your futures.
Take care out there, and most of all enjoy it! Mr Leal – Summer 2020
PS Given “gatherings” are allowed by then, see you in the “New Hall” before Christmas!!! -
And so it’s farewell to 13MJW. It’s just not been the same, not seeing your happy smiling faces each morning. Well – a few of you were smiling: some of you are obviously not ‘morning people’. And some of you I couldn’t tell if you were smiling as you weren’t there. But in any case it was always nice to see you.
Our tutor group was a really nice mix of personalities, and I like that. You are blossoming into young adults and are discovering your individuality. You all have different areas of strengths and that is to be celebrated.
I particularly enjoyed the occasional Monday when there had obviously been some shocking behaviour or scandalous liaison at a party over the weekend. I couldn’t follow a lot of these conversations – sometimes hushed, sometimes frantic, sometimes heated – but what I could follow sounded very interesting!
And of course the mixed reactions when it was announced you would not have to sit your examinations. Some of you were upset by this news, and rightly so. You had put your heart and soul into preparing for these exams and are incredibly passionate about your subjects. Some of you: not quite so upset.
I will miss you all. The joy of being a post 16 tutor is that I get to work with young adults who are intellectually engaging and interesting, and I get to help you on your journey into the world of work or higher education. Good luck to all of you, and I look forward to seeing you for a celebration some time in the not too distant future.
Mr Wallace -
To the most magnificent tutor group – 13NJB
I can’t believe we have to end your time at Plymstock like this, rather than celebrating together. It was so lovely that you were all in for that final off-the-cuff goodbye session on 20th March when we knew we were going to have to close.
It has been such a privilege to work with you as your tutor over the past two years. You have been so great about everything:
- Attendance – have to mention Ryan P’s 7 year 100% attendance record – he wouldn’t dream of mentioning it himself!!! – but really everybody was there whenever they could be
- Punctuality – ahem, few notable exceptions, mention no names! – but the rest of you= fantastic!
- Taking part in absolutely everything – Life Ed sessions, charity events, fancy dress… Seriously my best tutor group EVER! You rose to every challenge that came your way, were a real team and just got on with things with very little moaning (ahem, Mr D, may have made his feelings known, but took part nevertheless!!)
From our organisers (Katie, Ella, Ella, Amy, Jemimah, Tegan, Misha, Safia) to our loud and bubbly event advocates (Ryan, Ryan, George, Josh – remember how “noticeable” they were when getting younger students to come and buy sweets?!) to our marketing experts (Becca, Phoebe, Brooke, Toby, Toby) to our knowledge experts/quiz champions (Tom, Allan, Ben), you have been amazing.
It has been my absolute pleasure to have known you and it made me very proud to see you develop into the young adults you have become. Go on in September to fulfil your potential, chase your dreams and live your best life possible. When we finally return to some sort of normality, be sure to come back and tell me what you are up to.
Ms Baker
What to say about 13ESP!? I am so, so, so sad that we never got to say goodbye in person as I loved having you as my tutor group – you were a strange little bunch of beings. I still remember our summer meal when you pranked Miss Evans with happy birthday at the restaurant and she just went with it! I love how you embraced mindfulness with your open minds!? The time I brought you all croissants and juice for breakfast – one of you took the whole tray of croissants and ham for snacks! George? I think our ‘Power Pose’ session will always make me chuckle- please don’t forget to do that pose before all of your interviews.
So on the left we have Josh and Beth. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Josh frown – you are such a happy and polite young man and you even thanked me in tutor when I basically ignored you for 15 minutes whilst having to deal with emergency cover. Beth how were you never cold? I think it was because you hadn’t really woken up yet. Merito – who admitted too much – please don’t be honest and tell me that you haven’t started your homework which is due Period 1. Louis – you were definitely in tutor physically but where was your mind? – I really do hope that you find a job that starts at 12pm.In the middle we have Emily, Paris and Daisy. The tremendous trio which was often not a trio. Always giggling, shopping for dresses or snacking. Emily please leave half-an hour early for work to allow for all of the traffic. Paris – I want to see you as ‘manager’ within two years! Daisy just remember that you can work it out – just take a deep breath and don’t worry festivals will happen again!
On the right we have Abbie, Annabel, Ruby, Georgia, Ashleigh and Sophia. Sophia you made my mind think in such interesting ways through your beautiful perception of the world. Ruby and Georgia will always be Ruby AND Georgia (double trouble) – Georgia super organised with charity week and Ruby’s dedication to be the best that you can – you will be great in the Police. Abbie you were inspiring with your perseverance – hurdles were put in your way but you just pootled around them. Ashleigh you are such a passionate young person and I know you are going to love Uni – remember to join the societies, the mixology one sounded great! Annabel I loved the various colours of your hair and how you would politely listen to my rants about the most recent news article I’d read whilst everyone else stared at the table– I mean WHY did they build another cinema in Plymouth??
So literally hiding at the back we have James, Tom and George. You have no idea how disappointed I am to not have the opportunity to force you to 6th form ball even though you hate forced fun. James who loved a good political rant and was very, very passionate but you still got that quiz question wrong James! Tom who I never heard enter the classroom – you just appeared at the back like a silent magician. It was amazing to have taught you since Year 7 and then have you in my 6th form tutor group. George you are the most relaxed hard-working student I have ever met and your chemistry antics with Ben and Allan still perplex me.
And last but not least the back corner pod. Sammie was a new addition to our school with 3 states of existence – not in tutor (working on coursework Miss!) in tutor (eyes closed), in tutor (sports injury). Good luck with your sports career Sammie and I’ll be looking out for those gold medals. Liz I never got to see your K-Pop dancing and this makes me sad but I did get to see your amazing efforts and determination to smash your A-levels. Freya, Bryony, Faith and Martha – it still amazes me that I taught you in Year 7 and how little you all were and I love that I STILL had the photos of you and your cell projects on the wall behind you to laugh at. I am glad you got to take them before leaving. Martha – you were basically ready for Head Girl and sixth form in Year 7 and I will always treasure our vommy ferry crossing shared experience. Freya I mean how did you cope with the heat in lockdown – you were feeling hot when everyone else was in knitwear!? Seriously, your commitment to change course during year 12 and give it your all was inspiring. Bryony seems to know everything about everyone and kept me up-to-date with school news . Your commitment to the play was fantastic and as I said before I can’t wait for when your future teacher self meets a mini version of you and only then will you walk in my shoes and understand – SHHHHHH Bryony!! Finally Faith – it has been amazing to see how you changed from Year 7 to Year 12/13. A quiet little thing in Year 7 and then what happened!? You were either laughing out loud or having a rant about something that is clearly NOT FAIR.
I have loved seeing you all go through your sixth form journey and to have the privilege of writing your references. I wish you all the luck with your future lives – please keep in touch.
Mrs P.
Year 13, what can I say (well as you read on, you will see I can say quite a lot – sorry for the long goodbye)! The end of year 13 has been a rollercoaster and certainly a year we will never forget. I hate saying goodbye (I’m an ugly crier) so in some ways this is easier – less smudged mascara!
You have been a fabulous year group; we have had highs and lows throughout the two years but what was constant, was your ability to see the positive in things and not give up – even though at times it came close.
All of you are will leave me with memories that I will treasure so even when I’m having a bad day, I will be able to remember you all and why I love my job and how privileged I am to be part of your final years in Plymstock School. The young people that I met in Year 12 are not the same as the ones leaving in year 13. The changes over two years are something to be proud of; you are leaving a little bit older, a little bit wiser and full of potential.
Abbie: despite our heated rugby discussions I will miss you, your determination to keep going no matter what, despite all the accidents and weird medical mysteries you always saw a silver lining. Follow your passion and talent, you are a natural coach/leader for young children and those hours dedicated to others is the epitome of who you are. Shine bright Abbie.
Allan: I feel out of everyone you were always the one I was trying to locate for some reason or another but never could ‘oh you’ve just missed him’, ‘he was in science no idea where he has gone now’ ‘he’s on his way too school he’s running late’ were the common responses I got from your peers. Your excitement for the world of physics was clear even if not relevant to the A Level content much to your teacher’s frustration. Work hard and you will open so many doors.
Alex: such a hard worker but oh the life choice dilemmas faced during sixth form and then a last minute application once lockdown hit. I’m really pleased you have decided to pursue your passion of sport and teaching, you will make a super PE teacher maybe we will see you do full circle and be teaching at Plymstock in a few years!
Amber: You never gave up even when things were tough – don’t ever loose that determined streak it will see you achieve anything you set your mind too. Good luck with everything.
Amy, Ashleigh & Gene: I will miss you all crashing into my office like whirlwinds either signing in late (Gene and Ashleigh – those buses!) or to chat but most likely to have a rant about everything under the sun and often about the dodgy fast food restaurants worked in. Gene you will be an awesome Mental Health Nurse, that ability to care and empathise will see you make a fantastic addition to any team. Ashleigh your passion for politics, history and debate in general will see you excel in the world of academia. Amy enjoy chemical engineering particularly if you get to learn more about chocolate! Good luck
Annabel: I will remember you for always having a different hair colour and bees! It was a pleasure supervising your EPQ and I enjoyed being educated on the multiple species of bees. Keep working hard and enjoy pursuing biology at uni.
Ashton: You had an enthusiasm for learning about the world around you from a sociological and criminological viewpoint. I hope you find a path that ignites your interest. Good luck
Ayla: even after two years I still pronounced your name incorrectly and you were always super polite when corrected me for the millionth time! You were the first to organise work experience, wrote two personal statements because you were undecided on course choice and worked so hard, bar when you were playing uno with the usual suspects in the lower common room. Good luck at university
Bart: our Head Boy; never loss that enthusiasm for life but maybe don’t offer to organise any parties at uni! I was always amazed how you found time for everything from studying, working at the Golden Arches, football and coaching – those skills will see you go far. I loved our little chats about everything and nothing, you always made my day a little brighter. Enjoy the big city life and if I ever need a lawyer….
Ben: Once you passed your driving test we could never find you or you always needed to ‘nip home’ as you had ‘forgotten’ something. If I did manage to find you however, you would always be working so hard. Hopefully you will bring some humour to the world of finance but maybe get better at paperwork and organising yourself! Good luck with Uni 😊
Beth and Becca M: the Millar/ers – I don’t if you ever realised my inner turmoil but I had to always think very carefully before speaking to either of you in case I got your name wrong – it didn’t help that you were nearly always together and when you weren’t I still struggled! I hope you enjoy figuring out what your next steps will be and have some adventures in the process. Good luck with everything you do.
Berren: I loved our chats about Pokemon (it helped me understand my daughters’ obsession with it), food quirks and dislike for theme parks and your vast array of technology that you always had with you – those USB fans were awesome. Good luck with studying computer science at Uni
Brooke: Always greeted me with a smile, always quietly working away when you weren’t yapping to your friends! Good luck in your next steps
Bryony: you reminded me of a duck bobbing about on the surface but paddling frantically underneath – so much energy which came alive on stage. The joy drama brings to you made you shine; you are a star – remember me when you’re on the big stage!
Callum: my rock in the mock law trial, I could always count on you to turn up to rehearsals and be prepared; it really saw you come into your own. I’ll miss our catch ups at the end of the day whilst you were eating your snacks waiting for your lift home. I am so happy that you had your ‘light bulb’ moment at the end of year 12 are going onto study radiography, I hope I don’t see you in x-ray though – I’m an awful patient! Good luck
Charlie: Charlie, Charlie, Charlie with your flag. I have loved our political discussions; you challenged my views and I hope I may have challenged some of yours (probably not). I loved having you as part of the mock law trial dream team (rolling out your acting skills as a criminal) and the EPQ group, hopefully you will remember how to structure a conclusion at uni! I will keep an eye out for your name on the ballots (not that I will vote for you unless either of us have a massive change in ideologies). Good luck.
Chloe, Amelia and Emily: a three for one deal I rarely saw you apart, I feel your lateness was contagious. Leave the house 30 minutes before needed to get to your future jobs please, employers are way less understanding! Good luck with everything you do in the future.
Chris: I was either nagging you about coming to school, school work or personal statement and deciding on whether you were applying for uni. You came good in the end despite frustrating me with your laid-back approach – don’t change – well maybe a little bit, uni lecturers and employers may not have mine and your teacher’s level of patience.
Daisie: A Levels were a whirlwind. You are so driven– believe in your abilities – we all do. Pursue your dreams and don’t give up. I look forward to hearing about all your future adventures and plans
Dan: calm, intelligent one of the star barristers last year (sorry your case didn’t get called the first year – let it go already). From calmness in the court room to star quality on stage. Thank you for always getting involved in senate, I could always rely on you. Good luck with everything in the future
Elizabeth: you strived to achieve the best and wanted to understand everything and make sure you knew exactly how everything was going to happen – the makings of a future scientist. Always willing to get involved with senate and the school environmental group. Enjoy London Elizabeth – stay safe.
Ella W: You are a tough cookie! You were always smiling and so philosophical about anything thrown your way. Your resilience and determination are two of your biggest attributes and will see you go far. You will be fabulous in anything you decide to pursue but your natural calm, caring demeanour will see you making positive impacts on people’s lives. Good luck with your next steps
Ella M: How may laptop problems can one person have! You got there in the end with your personal statement and EPQ though! It was a lovely to get to know you during sixth form always willing to get involved with charity events, good luck with your next steps
Ella P: It was a pleasure to get to know you particularly, during the Mock Law Trial and my time as your EPQ supervisor. I will always remember your beautifully crafted notes – they were amazing. You are a star student; always prepared with a fantastic work ethic – this will aid you well at Uni – remember to have some fun as well though. Good luck.
Emily T: Always in school before me (and I thought I was early at 7:30), having had your poached egg and smoked salmon, working away. I remember on last year’s results day when you were supporting your friends collecting their results saying I want to open my envelope with those grades and my goodness you worked so hard to see that happen – I hope when you get your results you will have happy tears. You are going to be awesome studying astrophysics – reach for the stars!
Ehren: a natural outdoorsy type, volunteering for Fox Cover and then taking a year 7 under your wing to help him through his first year. Your caring, easy going nature made you a natural with the younger students, yet a fiercer side of you came out on the rugby pitch! Embrace your natural skillset and follow what makes you happy.
Evan: one of the only year 13s to have had a summer ball and a lad’s holiday albeit a year early!! Always chatty and happy with stories to tell – always about other people of course! No doubt there will be stories from Freshers! Good luck at Uni.
Evie: always a smiley happy face to be greeted by, normally found keeping those lads in check and helping Bart with his stress levels surrounding mixers. Good luck with everything
Faith: Always working away quietly until you would rant about something out of the blue (potentially geography related!). Keep on working hard you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Freddie: you remind me of a mad scientist rushing everywhere but when you were calm you were tucked away in SB2 working your little socks off always striving for the best. Always willing to help out with events, saying yes to things in senate but never quite appearing to know what you were saying yes to! Seeing you on stage as Vinnie was my biggest shock this year – you terrified me! Keep shocking people (in a good way though).
Freya: you must have got fed up with my constant ‘aren’t you cold’ comments but I was genuinely worried as I’m always cold and can never understand how no-one else feels it. You always had such purpose and worked so hard. You love of science was obvious and I hope you excel at uni doing what you love. Enjoy being over the other side of the bridge – Wales rocks!
George G: quietly working away whenever I saw you, normally on some math- based problem! Your random work experience to Romania is one of things I will remember, so out of the blue and last minute – an interesting experience for you nonetheless! Good luck at university studying aerospace engineering
George P: don’t ever loose that enthusiasm you have and desire to make this world a better place; it’s contagious. Work hard reading anthropology at uni and keep doing you! Good luck
Georgia: always hard working even when giving your friend shoulder massages (or receiving them it was always a bit chaotic)! Enjoy university life and have fun
Hannah L: either laughing or crying and a few moments of calm in between!! You never gave up even when maths and physics nearly crushed you. You are a star, your bouncy, bubbly never give-up attitude will see you excel in your chosen subject of sport and coaching. Maybe take it easy on the rugby I’m sure you were more injured than before you took it up!!
Hannah T: You are such a grafter, that immense work ethic and lovely caring nature will see you excel at university and eventually as an ODP. Enjoy my home city and go and watch the rugby. Good luck with everything.
Issie: always speaking at the speed of light, trying to do everything and taking advantage of all opportunities available. From an Auschwitz ambassador to a legally blond bombshell. You gave everything your all; never lose that drive and determination whatever life throws at you.
Jake C such a polite, hard-working, deep thinking young man, reading sociology is the perfect fit enjoy developing your sociological imagination. Enjoy university.
James H: it was a rarity to see you in sixth form what with four subjects and one of them being at a different school, you rarely had any time to chill. When I did see you though, you always had a smile on your face and kind words to say. Enjoy uni James; hopefully you may get a chance to have more down time than during your A Levels. Have fun and good luck.
Jasmine W: Always dressed for the gym I never established if you actually went! You were always working away quietly, not causing any hassle for your teachers or the sixth form team. Good luck with your next steps I have no doubt you will be an asset whichever route you take.
Jemimah: always quietly working away diligently. Keep working hard and enjoy the creativity your degree course will offer you (no more maths!). Good luck.
Josh D: Could be found eating his lunch first thing in the morning and then having to get a second lunch! Enjoy university maybe leave your games console at home I think you will find you are able to balance things more! Good luck and enjoy your next adventure.
Josh P: you always greeted me with a smile. Cracking the media production industry is tough but keep trying, you can achieve anything you set your mind to – you sometimes have to take some risks.
Joe, Tom and Oli: It was rare to see one without the other, supporting each other when coming to see me – am I that terrifying?! Good luck in all your different ventures – enjoy university
Julia: Your creative and caring ability was always lovely to see it was a pleasure to get to know you. Be kind to yourself and enjoy the next steps in your creative journey.
Katy: Such a hard worker striving to achieve the best. A naturally caring young woman you will be a natural working in the caring profession. Good luck
Katie: I can still hear your Ms Hannigan voice when I think of you – I can hear it now as I type! You were a fantastic performer and artist good luck in your new creative journey.
Louis: I think the longest string of words from you was about boxing or your uni application you normal sent Evan to speak to me! Try not to mess up your face too much with the boxing and enjoy uni. Good luck
Lucy: you had a clear plan as soon as you arrived in sixth form and your dedication saw you prevail. You were a joy to take to Auschwitz with your kind, compassionate nature; always remember this when treating future patients. Good luck with the next 5 plus years of training
Maddy: I would go weeks without seeing you and then suddenly you were always around trying to figure out what you wanted to do and doing last minute history work!! Hopefully, you will get to work in a job that enables you to see the world. Good luck
Martha: Our Head Girl, you were the ying to Bart’s yang and kept Senate on track. Thank you for always going the extra mile. It was a privilege to be your EPQ supervisor not that you needed any help from me. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in Paris – Au revoir
Matt: You towered over me and it hurt to look up and talk to you – hopefully the new year 12’s aren’t as tall I hate feeling so short. You finally figured out what you wanted to do next which was a relief albeit last minute. I also think I nagged you about work experience more than anyone! Good luck and Uni and enjoy yourself. 😊
Meritto: life lesson – Instagram is not real life! My shock when you said (and I’m paraphrasing) ‘I’m not visiting Sheffield for my uni choice, I’ve looked on Instagram at the student pages and it looks brilliant’ Thank you for eventually listening and going to visit – I’m glad you liked it although you didn’t attend the right course talk! Work hard Meritto you have a lot to offer this world – you may even land a job straight out of uni earning £40k so you can buy those ridiculous designer coats! Good luck at uni – the deadlines aren’t negotiable there.
Misha: a late Plymstock Sixth Form addition; it was a pleasure to get to know you albeit only briefly. I hope you continue to flourish with your languages and get to enjoy some travelling when the world is well again. Good luck.
Paris: sixth form has been a rollercoaster, there have been high and lows but you never gave up and you persevered. Hopefully with you only having one job now you will manage to have more time to relax – always so busy. Bank Manager in a few years? Good luck
Phoebe Sh: I always picture you sat in the computer suite working away diligently with your head phones in totally in the zone whilst chaos ensued around you but you completely unphased. Your caring, calm demeanour will see you make a fantastic midwife, the profession will be lucky to have you. Good luck.
Phoebe St: Always working hard in all your subjects, try not to put too much pressure on yourself at uni and enjoy the experience. No matter what route you take after uni you will be amazing – good luck
Rachel: just like Paris so many part-time jobs but always skint! You almost didn’t stay but I am glad you did, your work experience changed everything and you are going to be a fab primary school teacher -the children will adore you. Good luck as a future educator
Ruby S: last with your UCAS application but you got there in the end. You will make a great addition to the police force. Good luck in the future
Ryan B: The organiser of your group, always repeating the information and advice I gave out to the rest of the group – at least one of you listened to me! The only boy in your Sports group once Drew left; I always felt for you being outnumbered. Enjoy uni and remember to stick to the deadlines
Ryan P: Stop eating all those biscuits you will regret it one day! There’s a rumour you had 100% attendance -not missing a day of school from year 7 until lockdown commenced – I think this is some sort of record!! You were always polite, friendly and had a smile on your face. Don’t underestimate where these traits will take you in life. Good luck studying sports science
Sammie: our future Olympic athlete. You joined us in year 12 and settled instantly. For an elite athlete I was always shocked at the energy drinks but I am not surprised given your crazy training and competition schedule. Enjoy America I look forward to following your career in the future. Look after yourself and good luck
Skye: Always working away with some sort of biology diagram in front of you. Your work ethic will see you go far. Good luck with everything.
Sofia: your beautiful mind asked me questions I did not know the answers to and challenged my viewpoints on multiple topics – I often had to divert your questions to the more knowledgeable Mr Sprenkel philosophy hurts my head, but the psychological discussions were fascinating. Enjoy art college; learning new skills and pursuing your passion for animation. It was a pleasure being your EPQ supervisor and learning all about clay modelling and the design process – it was inspiring. Good Luck
Summer: I saw you at some points over the two years normally at moments of crisis but normally you just worked away and never caused any trouble. I hope you find something that sparks your imagination and lets you shine. Good luck.
Safia: kind, caring wonderful young lady. Keep spreading your kindness and beautiful smile
Tanisha: if I had to choose one word for you it would be feisty, you are one of the few people I have seen put Sprenks in his place and for that you will always have my respect! Good luck at Uni.
Trinity: You are a natural leader as seen with your top three finish for You’re Hired, those skills will aid you well in your new job keeping those engineers in line – you will be awesome!
Tom H: either working or playing cards, a quietly confident young man – good luck in the world of finance.
Tobi: always worrying about doing enough work striving for perfection and on the flip side willing to eat dubious looking noddles at a party – life lessons Tobi! Thank you for always being one of the first to reply to my emails, being unfailingly polite and being a joy to have in sixth form. I know I will see you in September for UCAS fun – unless you change your mind again!!
Tegan: you’re a fabulous young lady, don’t be so hard on yourself. I will miss our chats; it took a while but I feel by the time we finished school I had got to know you a little better. Be your best self and be happy
Toby A: Always loved seeing your fancy dress efforts always the subtle approach – the quiff! Good luck in the world of engineering your awesome work ethic and love of science will see you shine
Toby B: A fab dry sense of humour, always got on with things without any fuss. Enjoy learning about forensics at uni – good luck.
Zara, calm, cool and collected and then when you got on stage there was a whole different side to you. It was a privilege to be your EPQ supervisor, how you managed to remain unbiased when writing about Trump was a great skill, all his current antics must be keeping you amused. I hope your gap year plans can still go ahead before your journey to university. Good luck.
As I always say, do what makes you happy, follow your dreams and passions– this is your life, live it to the full!
Until we meet again, take care, stay safe and have a great Summer (albeit slightly different to the ones you had planned). Beckie x