Punctuality and Attendance
Punctuality is an important part of self discipline and is essential to good time management.
Always make sure that you are in the appropriate classroom no later than the times shown in the section on timing of the school day.
If you arrive at school after 8.45am, but before 9.00am. Please report to your form tutor. You will be marked late in the register.
If you arrive at school after 9.00 a.m. or after 1.55 p.m. then you must sign in at the reception desk. You will be marked late in the register and will need a note explaining the reason for late arrival.
If you arrive after the closure of the register it is recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Punctuality Profile: School Punctuality Profile
The proper place for you to be on a school day is at school. If you are not in school then you must have a justifiable reason and your parents should telephone the school office on the first day of absence. If you are going to be away from school for more than 3 days then your parents must send a written note to your form tutor on the third day of absence to tell us what is wrong. You should always bring a note from your parents when you return to school after being off sick.
Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays during term time. If this is unavoidable, requests for leave of absence should be made in writing well in advance of the date.
- It is a fact that 52% of students with attendance figures below 90% failed to get five A-C passes.
- It is a fact that 76% of students who had attendance below 80% failed to get five A-C passes.
School Attendance Profile
94% – 100%
Excellent Attendance Record
92% – 93%
Average National Attendance (Government expects students to achieve at least 92%)
90% – 91%
Below Average National Attendance. Improvement is required.
80% – 89%
Disappointing level of Attendance. This will seriously affect the likelihood of examination success
Very disappointing level of Attendance. This is potentially ruining the opportunity of education for the future. “Fast Track” to court may be necessary.